Wednesday, April 10, 2019

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Stand-up debut tonight!!! I've been doing Improv Comedy professionally for 22 years, Sketch Comedy on and off for about 20 years, Comedic Storytelling for about 15 years but I never did Stand-up...until tonight! Sarasota Friends, come watch me at the McCurdys Comedy Theatre Open Mic tonight at 9pm as I debut my first 5 minutes in front of a live audience. Come by and say Hi! Will Luera

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Facebook Fan Page Post

Sarasota Friends! The next session of Florida Studio Theatre Improv classes begins next week and I am teaching a bunch of classes! All information is below. To register please contact Pam Smith at or 941-366-1350. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks! ----------------------------------------- MONDAYS 7pm Improv 501: Narrative Long-Form - Will Luera, Studio C • Building off of Level 401, students will evolve from game-based play to narrative play. They will explore a handful of core forms that help develop the single world of nature of Narrative Long-Form. Students will learn how to create a world, develop characters, and perform stories over a series of scenes. TUESDAYS 11am Brain Games - Will Luera, Studio A • Boost brain power and enhance memory while exploring the spontaneity of improv! Students will explore creativity, build self-confidence, and collaborate with others all while playing popular improv games. Led by professional FST Teaching Artists, students will engage in a variety of exercises and games that are sure to get bodies and minds moving. WEDNESDAYS 2pm Improv for Everyone - Will Luera, Studio A • Discover the freedom of spontaneity and prepare to laugh! Improv for Everyone will teach students to think quickly on their feet, explore creativity, hone their comedic voice, and build self-confidence. Over the eight-week course, students will focus on the tenets of improvisation by learning how to play together, make others look good, be confident, support each other, and have fun, all while learning some of the classic improv games made famous by shows like “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” By the end of the session, every student will learn they already have what it takes to improvise successfully both onstage and off. THURSDAYS 7pm Improv Academy: The Improvised Movie - Will Luera, Studio C • A workshop that focuses on the unique improvised movie format. Learn how to translate movie edits and terminology to the improv stage so that you can put on your own unique improvised movie. The workshop will look at how to execute various different camera shots, genres and special effects using only the tools of improvisation. The class is modeled after the successful show, “Blue Screen” which has been showcased at several festivals including the Del Close Marathon. Will Luera