Wednesday, April 28, 2010



I've been meaning to do this for a while.

I have been lucky enough to be a part of the Boston Improv Scene since October 1997 when I was first cast at ImprovBoston. Since then I've been able to witness the evolution of an improv scene that for better or for worse has kept me from ever pursuing my career (and life) elsewhere.

As I approach the completion of my tenth year as the Artistic Director of ImprovBoston, I've had the benefit of history and time to allow me to reflect on what I've been a part of. In the grand scheme of everything, is what we do that important? - no, not really - but I would argue that these last ten years have affected and touched many people in so many ways that their lives and subsequent progeny have forever been affected. I, for one, know that if it weren't for ImprovBoston I would not have made so many amazing friends and probably not have met my wife.

What do I intend to do with this blog? I'm not really entirely sure but for starters I know this:

  1. I want to capture the history of the Boston Improv Scene from 1997 - present from my perspective
  2. I want to share highlights from some of my favorite performers
  3. I want to share my thoughts and perspectives on improvisation
My goal is to write one post a week. I might miss one or double up on some weeks but that's my goal. This has been percolating in my head for a while so I'm glad that I'm finally taking the first step in capturing it in some form.
